
Awarded Associate Fellowship - Stirling Framework Evidencing Learning and Teaching Enhancement (SFELTE), October 2022.


Supervised quantitative and qualitative undergraduate Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology dissertations. Supervised topics include perceptions towards LGBTQIA+ issues and ‘rainbow washing’, migration, and social inequalities.


Lectured on a few undergraduate and postgraduate modules in Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Stirling. This includes a lecture on New Scots Refugee Policy for undergraduate module on Race, Ethnicity and Migration. Scot has also provided sessions to PGRs on how to write a master’s thesis, navigating the student-supervisor relationship, and doing a PhD with quantitative elements. Scot has also lectured to students at Yerevan State University, Armenia on using big data in social science research.

Teaching assistant

During his PhD at the University of Stirling, Scot has regularly taught on modules about the research process and quantitative methods which involve both seminar and practical labs in SPSS and Stata. He also has experience as teaching assistant on modules centred around sociological concepts and theories. He regularly marks assignments and provides feedback to undergraduate students on a range of sociology and criminology modules.

Lab and seminar tutor:

Quantitative Data Analysis (ASRP004; SCQF level 11).

Research Design and Process (ASRP002; SCQF level 11).

Research Process II (SPCU9C6; SCQF level. 10).

Social Divisions (SPCU912; SCQF level. 7).

Marking and assessment:

Crime and Criminal Justice (SCQF9T4; level 9).

Understanding Social Policy (SPCU913; SCQF level 9).

Development of Social Theory (SPCU9C4; SCQF level 9).

Social Differentiation (SPCU911; SCQF level 7).