Hunter S, Akbar M, Monsterio S, (forthcoming) “Muslim women labour market participation: a comparative study between the UK and Canada.
Hunter S, Shapira M, Fotopoulou M, & Zaslavskaya M (forthcoming) “Markers of Integration: Assessing the Impact of Perceptions about Rights and Security, Public Outcomes, and Social Connections on Intentions to Stay of Newcomers in Armenia”, Diaspora, forthcoming issue.
Hunter S, Shapira M, Fotopoulou M, & Zaslavskaya M (forthcoming) “ ‘Hardship makes Union’ ? Exploring attachments to the Armenian nation among young and newcomer groups, with particular focus on Syrian-Armenian refugees and displaced Artsakh individuals”, Diaspora, forthcoming issue.
Hunter S, Fisher D, Qadir S (forthcoming) Enhancing Scotland’s New Scots Integration Strategy through global best practice examples (CH 13) in Aldegheri E, Fisher D, & Phipps A (2024) A Handbook of integration with refugees: International learnings from Scotland.
Hunter S & Grant M (forthcoming) The Interplay of Policymaking at UK and Scottish Levels: Implications and Tensions for The Integration of Unaccompanied and Separated Children (CH 14) in Aldegheri E, Fisher D, & Phipps A (2024) A Handbook of integration with refugees: International learnings from Scotland.
Grant M, Fotopoulou M, Hunter S, Malloch M, Rigby P, Taylor K (2023) Improving survivor-informed support for separated children and young people in Scotland who have been trafficked. Modern Slavery and Human Rights - Policy and Evidence Centre. Full Report. Accessed here
Grant M, Fotopoulou M, Hunter S, Malloch M, Rigby P, Taylor K (2023) Improving survivor-informed support for separated children and young people in Scotland who have been trafficked. Modern Slavery and Human Rights - Policy and Evidence Centre. Research Summary. Accessed here
Fisher D, Hunter S, Qadir S, & Phipps A (2023) Towards two-way integration: a comparative review of refugee integration strategies (CH2). In: (eds) Le Louvier, K., & Hough, K. (2023) UK Borderscapes: Sites of enforcement and resistance. Routledge. ISBN 9781032395487 (doi: 10.4324/9781003350255-4)
Hunter S, & Shapira M (2022) The State of Data: Reflections on Using ‘Big’ and Administrative Data Sources in Social Research. Journal of Sociology: Bulletin of Yerevan University. 13. 28-37. doi:10.46991/BYSU:F/2022.13.2.028.
Hunter S & Grant M (2023) “Reflections from research on improving survivor-informed support for separated children and young people in Scotland who have been trafficked”. Conference Paper presented at Eurocrim, 2023. Università Delgri Studi Firenze, Italy.
Hunter S (2023) “Exploring the outcomes of different ethno-religious groups in the UK labour market: a quantiative analysis”. Lunchtime seminar presented at Toronto Metropolitan University, CERC Migration, Canada.
Hunter S (2022) “Analysing intersectionality and the social inequalities experienced by Muslims in the UK”, conference paper presented at Social Stratification Seminar, 2022. University of Stirling, Scotland.
Hunter S (2022) “The State of Data: Reflections on doing social research during the digital age”. Presented as a part of the knowledge exchange funded by British Academy project: Should I stay or should I go? Intentions to stay among young newcomers to Armenia, Yerevan State University, Armenia.
Galstyan N, Fotopoulou M, Hunter S, el Kholi M, Kasbarian S (chair) (2022). Roundtable: Comparative perspectives on researching people on the move, Yerevan State University, Armenia.
Hunter S (2021) “New Scots: Refugee and Asylum Seeker integration policy in Scotland”. Guest lecture for module SPCU9JG – Race, Ethnicity and Migration, University of Stirling, Scotland.
Hunter S (2020) “Defining Migration Concepts: How to Operationalise Migrants using the UKHLS (Understanding Society)”. Presented as a part of the Faculty of Social Sciences seminar series, University of Stirling, Scotland.
Hunter S (2020) “Diversity and Disadvantage 20 Years On: an examination of the health outcomes of ethnic minority groups using the UKHLS (Understanding Society)”. Presented as a part of the Social Surveys and Statistics Research Group All Hands Seminar Day, University of Stirling, Scotland.